
Creating a PICO-8 game

I recently discovered this awesome fantasy console with a lot of beautiful but tiny games and I believe it is a great starting point for someone who is starting to code and want to focus on developing games.

I’m 35 and started programming as a hobby when I was 13, I then took it as a professional career but never immersed myself in videogames development, even being a huge fan of them. I also have a tendency to think of an idea for a game, start working on it and realize is too big for me to handle and leave it in the middle, so this is a great opportunity for developing something small and simple. Something with a really small scope that I can force myself to finish it.

Going back to the topic of the article, the PICO-8 is a tiny environment with the following specs:

It also includes a development environment complete with code, sprite, sounds, music and map editors!

The language used for coding is Lua but it does not use the standard Lua library so there are a few functions missing, so if you need something from there you have to code it yourself. I have heard of Lua before but never really used it.

Because of the specs, there is a lot of constraints in place. I found this useful for keeping focus on developing a game from start-to-end instead of trying to build something huge where I get lost in configurations, compilers, libraries and so on. In simpler terms, I have to work with what is given to me and nothing else. These constraints can boost the creativity of the developer by forcing it to think out-of-the-box for alternative ways of doing something.

Within this context, I set myself to create a top-down shooter game where you have to defeat a lot of enemies (kind of a bullet-hell game) until the end where you have to fight against the final boss.

The player’s ship

I decided to go with the name “Face Of Mars” for the game title. The idea came from the S1:E9 of the sci-fi show “The X-Files” called “Space” where a former astronaut is being tormented by some entity emerging from the alleged face of Mars.

The Face of Mars, picture from 1976. Nowadays with higher quality pictures we have discovered that it does not resemble a face at all.

Colonel Belt possessed by the entity

Naturally, due to my anxiety, I started at the end: the actual boss battle against the face of Mars. I took the image of the formation in Mars you see above and started drawing on top of it, adding some details, etc. This is my first sketch of it:

I was unable to use this image of course because of the PICO-8 restrictions, but it was good to have an idea of what I wanted the boss to look like.

I wrote down also how this boss will behave, how it will attack, etc. Some of the attacks I thought of:

Ideas 3, 4 and 5 were discarded since I wanted to keep it small, but I added also some movements attack that I called Sniping (Go fast to the position of the ship) and Loop (Move in a loop from the edges to the center and when there shoot a spread of bullets).

Here is what the boss looks like so far:

The Face Of Mars final boss

After having the boss defined, it was time to define some other enemies and how the gameplay will be. I decided the following for the general gameplay:

There will be 4 types of enemies:

I leave embedded below the last iteration of the game: